Consortium for the protection of the historical castles of Friuli Venezia Giulia
Motore di ricerca

Castello di Ragogna

The donjon of Ragogna Castle
The donjon of Ragogna Castle

The hill on which stands the fortified complex of the upper castle with the ancient parish church of San Pietro has offered a natural, easily defensible shelter since ancient times. This hill, site of the ancient castrensian settlement of Reunia, controlled the ford of the Tagliamento river near the Roman road from Concordia Sagittaria to Osoppo. Mentioned by Venantius Fortunatus in the early 6th century, the manor is mentioned by Paul Deacon in relation to the occupation of Friuli by the Avars in 610 and later in 693, the year in which Ausfrido of Reunia usurped the dukedom from Rodoaldo, Duke of Friuli. Subject as early as 1122 to the jurisdiction of the Dukes of Carinthia of the House of Eppenstein, the castle passed to the lords of the same name in 1218, also enfeoffed by the Patriarch of Aquileia. The subject of repeated sieges during the battles between the Patriarchate and the Dukes of Austria, in 1390 the castle was ceded by John of Ragogna to Patriarch John of Moravia. After passing under the rule of the Serenissima, it was granted to the Porcia family. The castle subsequently decayed to the extent that in 1567 Girolamo di Porcia described it as follows: "Ragogna castle ruined; there are, however, relics of many towers, peasants' cottages, the church and a tower where the lords' room is". It was definitively abandoned at the end of the 18th century.

The recently restored castle is open to the public on Saturday afternoons and Sundays (morning and afternoon). Archaeological excavations at the ancient Pieve di San Pietro can also be seen, which have brought to light the evolutionary phases of the building.