The Consortium for Defence of Castles was founded in December 1968, for the purpose of gathering together the owners, possessors and holders under any title of castles and other fortified works in the region, such as towers, fortified palaces, fortified houses, defensive walls or ruins in order to undertake joint action for their recovery, re-use and enhancement.
The Tower of Porta Aquileia was part of the city's fifth walled circuit, which began around the middle of the 14th century and was completed a little over a century later; with Porta Villalta, it is the only surviving one of the thirteen gates that connected the city with the most important road and trade routes. It housed the dwelling of the Keeper, who had the task of controlling the transit of people and goods and the obligation of witnessing the closing and opening of the gate.
By 1852, the tower was deemed unserviceable and abandoned. After the first restoration works in 1948 and 1960, a more complex intervention was planned in the 1990s to restore the building's full functionality and allow it to be used again, which culminated in the 1998 restoration.
Torre di Porta Aquileia,
Piazzetta del Pozzo 21
33100 Udine
CF 80025260300
P.IVA 00653630301
Tel 0432-288588
Codice IBAN
Banca Intesa San Paolo
filiale via Martignacco, 231 - Udine
IT 84 R 03069 12377 100000011756
Orari di apertura
Da lunedì a venerdì
dalle 15.00 alle 19.00
martedì dalle 15.00 alle 19.00
Informazioni e prenotazioni:
Tel: 0432 288588
Cell: 328 6693865
I castelli
5 ottobre 2024
Castelli aperti 5 - 6 ottobre 2024
Visite individuali ai castelli del Friuli Venezia Giulia.
25 luglio 2024
Fede e Tradizione. Le Chiese dei castelli.
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20 luglio 2024
Fede e Tradizione. Le Chiese dei castelli.
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12 luglio 2024
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3 luglio 2024
Fede e Tradizione. Le Chiese dei Castelli.
Pieve di San Tomaso Apostolo, Moruzzo. Nella ricorrenza della dedicazione a San Tomaso Apostolo, Santa Messa Solenne. Mercoledì 3 luglio 2024 ore 19.00.