Consorzio per la salvaguardia dei castelli storici del Friuli Venezia Giulia
Motore di ricerca

Consortium members



The Consortium groups together physical and legal persons who are owners, possessors or holders under any title of castles and fortified structures, as well as territorial bodies and organisations for the promotion of tourism whose territory includes at least one fortified structure.

Therefore, one of the conditions for membership of the Consortium is being directly or indirectly responsible for the protection, conservation and enhancement of a fortified structure. Membership conditions are in fact as follows:

  • ownership or possession or authority with regard to a fortified monument;
  • connection with a castle or a fortified structure of historical interest;
  • location within the boundaries of the Autonomous Region of Friuli Venezia Giulia.

The categories of persons and bodies that are eligible for membership of the Consortium are as follows:

  • physical persons who are owners, possessors or holders of the right to use, loan or rent out, or holders of any actual right to enjoy (usufruct, etc.) castles and fortified structures;
  • legal persons, such as associations, foundations, public bodies, cooperatives, companies or partnerships which hold a true right of use on a castle or fortified structure;
  • territorial public bodies, such as municipal, provincial or regional authorities, mountain communities and associations representing them, within whose territorial authority a castle or fortified structure is located;
  • organisations for the promotion of tourism, such as Consortiums for Tourism, Area Associations and local tourist offices in whose territory a castle or fortified structure is located.

Membership is obtained by completing a membership form, signed by the holder of the right. In the case of legal, or in any case of non-physical persons, the application for membership must be discussed and agreed by the respective competent bodies.