Consortium for the protection of the historical castles of Friuli Venezia Giulia
Motore di ricerca


  • Azienda Vinicola Arcania

    The Arcania winery is situated in the hamlet of Arcano Superiore near the castle and surrounded by lovely rolling hills. Hotel accommodation can be found in the nearby towns of Fagagna and San Daniele....

  • Azienda Agricola Conte d'Attimis Maniago

    In Buttrio there are numerous charming bars and restaurants where typical food and drink can be relished, for example, the Castello di Buttrio inn, the Al Parco trattoria and the Scacciapensieri...

  • Azienda Agricola Visintini Andrea

    Many characteristic restaurants can be found in the village of Corno di Rosazzo next to the Castle of Gramogliano. A charming restaurant in Corno di Rosazzo is All’Armistizio ; in the nearly town...

  • Azienda Vitivinicola Franco Furlan

    In the small village of Cosa you can sip wine in a quaint bar or enjoy a typical Friulian meal at the Alla Baita di Castelcosa trattoria-inn (baita means chalet). If you should decide to stay overnight...

  • Azienda Agricola Principi di Porcia e Brugnera

    In the village of Porcia and nearby villages there are several bars and restaurants which deserve a visit such as the Al Castello restaurant, La Casetta at locality Palse and La Ciotola in Sant’Antonio...

  • Azienda Agricola Poggiobello

    The small village of Poggiobello is nestled in a suggestive panorama of rolling hills. In the village of Oleis, just a few kilometres from Poggiobello, you can find several pleasant bars and the romantic...

  • Azienda Agricola Vinai dell'Abbate

    The Rosazzo abbey, although somewhat distant from bigger towns, is surrounded by many restaurants. Just to name a few there is the Ronchi di Sant’Egidio agritourism-restaurant nearby; and the...

  • Azienda del Sovrano Militare Ordine di Malta

    Rocca Bernarda was built in 1567 by Jacopo and Bernardo di Valvason Maniago. On the external walls a plaque reads "VINEIS AVITIS REST ET AUCTIS" to remind us that vines were already present...

  • Azienda Vinicola Conti Formentini

    The hamlet of San Floriano is nestled among rolling hills a stone’s throw away from Slovenia. It is not very big but very attractive and well-structured. In the Formentini Castle, at the centre...

  • Azienda Agricola Castello di Spessa

    The small locality in which the castle is located offers visitors an attentive food and wine proposal given by the Hotel Restaurant "La Tavernetta al Castello" located at the foot of the manor,...

  • Azienda Eugenio Collavini Viticoltori

    The village of Corno di Rosazzo is nestled in a beautiful area of gentle rolling hills. A couple of restaurants which serve delicious typical Friulian food are the Al Buco restaurant in Quattro Venti...

  • Società Agricola Castello di Buttrio

    Between tradition and culture The work of a winemaker is time and seasons. Time for the evolutionary cycle of the vineyard, the ripening of the fruit, the slow evolution of the wine. The seasons of...