Consortium for the protection of the historical castles of Friuli Venezia Giulia
Motore di ricerca

Ristorante la Torre

The Castle of Spilimbergo can be reached by coach services provided in nearby towns.
This restaurant is undoubtedly one of the most beautiful and romantic in the area, framed by the magnificent Palazzo Dipinto (The Painted Palace). The interior of the restaurant will live up to your expectations with old architectural structures attesting to glories of the past: stone niches, brick walls and wood-beamed ceilings will be the setting for your dinner.
Every detail has been given special attention, starting from the preparation of the table to the presentation of the dishes. The wine list is ample with a fine selection of Italian wines. Beautifully executed dishes inspired by traditional flavours include the following. Starters: tortino di baccalà mantecato con asparagi verdi (Baccalà pie with green asparagus spears), asparagi bianchi gratinati con lardo e puzzone di Moena (White asparagus spears with bacon and cheese au gratin); first course proposals: orzotto mantecato alle erbette primaverili (Barley risotto with springtime wild herbs), uovo in raviolo con asparagi (Egg bundle with asparagus spears); main courses: petto d’anatra all’arancia con patate schiacciate all’extravergine (Orange-flavoured duck breast with mashed potatoes), composizione di agnello e melanzane (Lamb and aubergine composition); dessert: mousse di cioccolato bianco con salsa di fragole (White Chocolate mousse with strawberry sauce) and sformato caldo di cioccolato con salsa alla mentuccia (hot melted chocolate with mint sauce).

Ristorante la Torre

Piazza Castello
33097 Spilimbergo (PN)
Telefono e fax: 0427 50555

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