Consortium for the protection of the historical castles of Friuli Venezia Giulia
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La Lanterna d'Oro

The Castle of Gorizia can be reached by coach services provided in nearby towns; for towns further away the castle can be reached by train.
This cosy restaurant is situated inside the hamlet encompassed by the restored castle walls. The ambience and cooking in this popular family-run restaurant are home-style. A few examples of what the menu features are: Bavarian pancakes, Family-style salami, Praga ham served on toasted canapés with cren, Vol-au-vent filled with pumpkin dumplings, Short pasta with white sauce, Scaloppini with truffles and potato ribbons, Hot polenta cubes with Montasio cheese slivers. It’s the ideal place to eat well-prepared food at reasonable prices and enjoy a wonderful panorama of the city, especially in the summer.

La Lanterna d'Oro

Borgo Castello, 20
34170 Gorizia (GO)
Telefono: 0481 534100 Fax: 0481 539108

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