Consortium for the protection of the historical castles of Friuli Venezia Giulia
Motore di ricerca

Castle visits

  • How to organize a castle visit

    The usability of castles varies depending on their state of preservation and the uses to which they are currently put. Many castles are in a good state of preservation, but are used as private residences...

  • Be welcome to my castle

    Up the ancient stairs of fascinating medieval castles, with the castellan himself, heir to a millenary heritage, acting as cicerone, offering an aperitif and then sitting down with visitors at lunchtime,...

  • Educational visits to pulbic and private castles

    "Towers, crenellated walls and drawbridges; stories of ladies and knights; stories of nobles and patriarchs... this is not legend, but our past narrated by more than 300 fortified works scattered...

  • Castelli aperti

    "Castelli Aperti" (Open Castles) was created with the aim of facilitating access to the historical testimonies represented by the region's castle sites and other fortified works. The initiative...