Consortium for the protection of the historical castles of Friuli Venezia Giulia
Motore di ricerca


The best way to guarantee the recovery and conservation of a castle is to find an enthusiast to take charge of it, buying it or acquiring it in various ways from an owner who has neither the interest, motivation nor financial resources to provide for its conservation.

Many castles in Friuli have even quite recently been saved from a seemingly irreversible fate of decay or neglect, through transfer of ownership to an individual who, for the most varied reasons, such as return to Friuli after a period of emigration or residence abroad, discovery of the fascination of such monuments, desire to start an enhancement project, or other, has decided to take it in hand.

The Consortium suggests that anyone who wants to find a new home, would like to settle down in a highly attractive environment and landscape, is seeking to re-establish ties with a highly significant historic tradition, wishes to move into a building complex with strong cultural significance or, in finding a new residence, simply wishes to save important elements of our civilization, should consider acquiring a fortified castle, tower, house or palace.

They will undoubtedly encounter many problems, but will also find great satisfaction in challenging the effects of time and the environment in order to restore, to Friuli, important signs of its own history.

The Consortium is available to provide any type of assistance and information in connection with this.