Consortium for the protection of the historical castles of Friuli Venezia Giulia
Motore di ricerca

Giardino di Sterpo

The lovely park at the Castle of Sterpo is a typical example of the composite style which was in fashion at the end of the 1800s. It is special for its romantic atmosphere which is more rural than most other gardens of the time; its green areas were designed to enhance the unique elements of the natural environment, such as the ground water springs and the venerable old trees. One tree we would like to point out is the huge sessile oak (Quercus robur), a monumental tree over five hundred years old. The picturesque, spontaneous nature of the park inspired the writer Ippolito Nievo, a frequent guest of the Colloredo family, who immortalized it in his renowned works.

Giardino di Sterpo

Via Piave, 1
33032 Sterpo di Bertiolo (UD)